NostoNews, December 1, 2003

Nosto now an Associate

We've been getting letters recently from users commenting how they love our free service, use it happily, but feel they would like to contribute occasionally to Nostomania revenue. We have a new way for you to do that, and would appreciate it very much if you would consider using it.

We're now an Associate, and have a button on the home page as well as some banners that take you to so you can do your holiday shopping and support Nostomania at the same time!

Coin database changes

We've done some revamping of the coins database, and the long overdue PCGS numbers are available in the Research item detail section for almost every coin in the Nosto database. In addition, we now show values for every possible grade for proof coins (we previously only showed values for grades PF-60 and above).

We have a few more changes in the works on the coins side, and by next month will have addressed the top three user requests in this area. Thanks very much for your patience in our development of these various enhancements.

One other minor change you may have noticed is that we now show the current number of registered users on the Home page. It's been quite a year for Nosto - we started the year with under 2,000 registered users and as you can see now have over 13,000! Rest assured we'll do our best in 2004 to keep all the new and old users alike happy by continuing to provide a quality service second to none.

That's about all we have to say this month, as always, thanks for using Nostomania.


Don't forget, all you have to do is create a single Collection, Wantlist, or Salelist item each month to qualify for our sweepstakes. Why not take a look and see what we're giving away (and gave away last month), free as always.

Thanks, we'll see you all next month.

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